Deb and Howie Klier sent me an update on the results of the Tree of Hope drive. A big “Thank You” to those who provided gifts and support for the drive!
On Saturday, December 6th, they sent out over 100 bags of toys (25 toys/bag) to 33 hospitals across the Great State of Minnesota! There were 19 planes flying in the gifts.
Folks, way to go! This brought much joy to those children who found themselves in the hospital over Christmas. Thank you!
Please take a moment to visit their Facebook page for photos and more information:
Next year we plan to be much more involved, as an organization, in getting gifts for the Tree of Hope from across the State. Please be thinking of ways to make this happen at EVERY AIRPORT in the state. What a terrific way to “give back” to our communities!
Thank you for your support!