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April 3, 2015

“The Ultimate Off Road Adventure: Flying Seaplanes” Hangar Flying Session

The Ultimate Off Road Adventure: Flying Seaplanes”

Steve McCaughy, Seaplane Pilots Association

This presentation by the President of the Seaplane Pilots Association will highlight the great variety of experiences that seaplane operations offer to the seaplane pilot. Steve will emphasize seaplane safety and some of the challenges that face a seaplane pilot.

Steve McCaughey has been the Executive Director of the Seaplane Pilots Association since 2011, and comes from a highly diverse background in aviation. Known for his unquenchable thirst for everything related to flying – his aviation adventures and experiences have taken him from Alaska to Australia; and everywhere in between. He served with the US Air Force Special Operations Command working the amazing AC-130 Gunship, and has spent the majority of his flying time in “Strangebirds” meaning tailwheel, seaplanes, aerobatic aircraft, warbirds and the like. Since arriving at the Seaplane Pilots Association he has been instrumental in creating a Seaplane Rating Scholarship program, working with organizations such as RAF and AOPA to save seaplane access in the state of New Mexico, and has created an app that is free to all SPA members listing seaplane landing areas, flight schools and destinations.

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