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Minnesota Pilots Association Logo
September 1, 2014

Please Register Comment on FAA Rulemaking Regarding Hangar Use

The deadline for comments on the FAA Rulemaking is September 5, 2014.  Please take a moment to register your comment, as this is vitally important for those of us who value our hangars, and the use of our hangars for aviation-related activities…like working on our aircraft.

Please also take a moment to read the comments of others who have taken time to share their views and experiences.  For example, the following comment bears reading:!documentDetail;D=FAA-2014-0463-0209.  I am particularly troubled by this gentleman’s experience.

You can register your comments at the following address:!home

for Docket Number FAA-2014-0463,  Policy on the Non-Aeronautical Use Of Airport Hangars .

You can read the entire Rulemaking at:

Thank you!

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