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June 9, 2014

Pancake Breakfasts Enjoy Great Turnouts!

Tis the Season for Pancake Breakfasts! I had the chance to be with some of my family to enjoy my grandson Jaxen’s first Flyin Pancake Breakfast, at the Buffalo Airport (KCFE). What a great experience! Mike Wiskus and the West Metro crew did a terrific job showcasing the event with flyby’s, with parachute jumpers and the Maple Lake EAA 878 served up some delicious pancakes, sausage and scrambled eggs! There was a really nice showing of classic and antique cars at the same event and this is turning out to be a terrific combo. Over 1000 breakfasts were served and the ramp was full of families, young and old. Kudos to the Buffalo aviation community for a job well done. Aviation is alive and well in Buffalo MN!

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