The MN Seaplane Pilots Association Safety Conference was terrific! Kudos to Ben Thuringer of Madden’s and Mary Alverson for working with the MNDOT Aviation in putting on this event. We know how much effort goes into this and are appreciative of the opportunity to learn and to trade hangar flying stories with old friends and to meet others from across the region who enjoy aviation. Don Lee, the keynote speaker, was a total hoot! What a treat to learn about some of the experiences he has enjoyed in Alaska…from a Hopkins, MN, native! Don says he left home right after graduating from high school with $7 in his pocket and headed North to Alaska!
Madden’s Resort…fabulous accommodations! The staff were terrific and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay right on the lake.
We are looking forward to working with the MN Seaplane Pilots Association to promote their organization and to help get youngsters interested in seaplane operations!