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June 23, 2013

Minnesota Author Signs Copies of “The Oranges Are Sweet”

Paul Sailer, author of “The Oranges Are Sweet”, spent a few moments with Randy Corfman, President of MNPilots, at a book signing in Park Rapids, Minnesota, last weekend.  Paul, an aviator himself, authored the book about one of our countries greatest P-51 fighter pilots, a native of Hill City, Minnesota, Major Don M. Beerbower.  Major Beerbower died when strafing a German airdrome north of Reims, France, on August 9, 1944 and at the time he was the leading ace in the Ninth Air Force with 15.5 aerial victories and the commanding officer of the 353rd Fighter Squadron.

Paul Sailer named 2012 Writer of the Year by the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame for his excellent work in writing this book.

MNPilots encourages you to buy and read Paul’s book, as it provides a rich read about a great Minnesota Aviator and his fellow pilots.paul sailer and rsc copy

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