I received the following email from the Civil Aviation Medical Association today, and I would like to share it with you:
Dear Colleague,
Attached are letters for you to send to your Senators, Congressmen/Representatives in Washington, D. C. These letters document the CAMA position regarding the proposed legislation to eliminate the Third Class Medical for recreational pilots, and outline the proposals from the CAMA task force for medical certification. Please read the contents of the letter carefully and send a copies of the letters to every Senator and Congressman/Representative from your state as soon as possible. As not all AMEs are members of CAMA, please pass these letters along to every other AME that you know, and request that he/she send them to their Senators and Representatives in Congress, too.
The proposed House Bill HR37088 and Senate Bill S.2103 would allow lifelong flying without medical oversight by any physician, much less an AME. Individuals with serious and even life-threatening heart, lung, brain, psychiatric and alcohol/substance abuse conditions could declare themselves fit to fly. Self-declaration would free these individuals to carry five passengers at high altitudes at speeds approaching 300 miles per hour. Complete elimination of medical oversight for these pilots would constitute a clear and present danger to aviation safety.
Being mindful of challenges to general aviation, the CAMA task force for medical certification has proposed expanded recreational pilot privileges that would allow operation of larger aircraft at greater speeds with relaxed, simplified medical requirements. The key difference would be the preservation of medical oversight by AME’s. This model exists today safely and successfully in Canada ,Australia, and the United Kingdom—all insist upon medical oversight.
Thank you in advance for your action and cooperation on this serious issue of mutual concern. Please contact the CAMA home office by email or telephone if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Mark C. Eidson, M. D.
Civil Aviation Medical Association
I would beg to differ with this organization on this issue. Given the preponderance of information that has resulted from the spotless record of the light sport aviation experience I am hard pressed to understand how CAMA has arrived at their recommendation. Feel free to contact your AME, or directly call 770-487-0100, or FAX your thoughts to 770-487-0080, or email to Dr. Eidson at the email address listed and let them know your thoughts.
Randle Corfman, PhD, MD, AME