“Flying Clubs: Flying Made Affordable”
Jack Shelton, North Star Flying Club
Steve Jambor, Flywell Flying Club
Flying clubs are a terrific way to be involved in aviation. Jack and Steve, both in flying clubs that are on the KANE airport, will provide a lively discussion of what makes being a member of a flying club such a good option for those who find it financially challenging to buy an aircraft but who want to fly an aircraft that is not simply a “rental” situation. Pros and cons of flying clubs will be discussed by these two knowledgeable pilots who serve on the board of directors for their respective clubs.
Jack Shelton has been a pilot for 30 years and an instructor for 20. He owns a large flying club at Anoka County Airport and is in private medical practice in the Twin Cities. Jack flies a Baron and a Skylane around the country both for personal and professional causes. Much of the basis of this presentation comes from Jack’s experience as a flight surgeon in U.S. Air Force fighter units as well as his role in human factors analysis on military accident investigation boards.
Steve Jambor took his first flight lesson at the age of 14 but was unable to complete his flight training due to financial limitations. He never lost his love of flying though and in 2007, 20 years after his first lesson, he realized his dream of becoming a pilot. He trained at the Anoka County Blaine airport where he completed his primary and instrument ratings. In July of 2012 he added his seaplane rating. After renting from the local flight school for several years, he started shopping around for flying clubs to make flying more affordable. He joined Flywell Flying Club in June of 2013 and now serves on the board of directors. He flies a Piper Archer and a Cessna 172. Steve and his wife Barb fly as often as possible and enjoy introducing kids to flying.