GMAG 2023 - May 19th and 20th
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Minnesota Pilots Association Logo

11th Annual Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering (GMAG)

Invitation to Sponsor/Exhibit/Advertise

Friday and Saturday, May 16 and 17, 2025

Buffalo Municipal Airport (KCFE), Buffalo MN


Register Now and Pay with Check or Credit Card!


We are very pleased to invite you to support general aviation in Minnesota and the United States of America by sponsoring, exhibiting and advertising at the 11th Annual Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering!

This event is sponsored by the Minnesota Pilots Association (MN Pilots), a 501(c)(3) non-profit, grass-roots organization whose mission is to promote and protect aviation in Minnesota through advocacy, education, outreach and social activities and by a number of business and aviation-related organizations.

The MN Pilots Association believes that pilots and supporters of aviation in Minnesota want and deserve an annual event, which will bring together people from across the state, and from neighboring states, to celebrate the joys and challenges of aviation.

The word is out…this event is not to be missed! We had over 800 people attend this two-day event in each of our previous GMAGs– we expect an even greater attendance at the 10th Annual event!

About the Event
This year’s event will be held at the Buffalo Municipal Airport (KCFE), which is conveniently located near the western suburbs of the Twin Cities. We will have heated hangars for the event! KCFE is located just a few miles outside of the MSP Class B airspace, a fact that has increased the number of pilots who choose to fly in!

We bring together a variety of aviation-related speakers, vendors, exhibitors and sponsors who provide up-to-date information and services to those who attend:

  • Hangar Flying Sessions – A variety of dynamic speakers provide a series of in-depth, provocative presentations on topics important to pilots and aviation enthusiasts, alike.
  • Exhibitors – Exhibitor booths enable attendees to spend plenty of time visiting with vendors and organizations in an aviation environment that is second to none.
  • Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) – Chapter leaders from across the state gather to exchange ideas on how to get more children and adults involved in aviation.
  • Recognition of FAA Master Pilots and Scholarship Awardees -The FAAST will bestow the Master Pilot Awards and the Minnesota Pilots Association and other Aviation entities recognize Scholarship Awardees.

Exhibit Information
Exhibit spaces are available for vendors, aviation community organizations and groups related to aviation.  We have a limited number of exhibit spaces, so please register early. Exhibit spaces will be 10’ x 10’ and will be located in a spacious hangar.

Join in the Event!

We hope you will join us at the 2025 Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering, with an estimated 800 attendees, by becoming a Sponsor, Exhibitor or Advertiser.

GMAG Sponsor ($1,500) – Enjoy the benefits of playing a central role in the event, including:
• Recognition – Each Sponsor will be individually recognized in a unique email to each of our 700+ members, and in our social media outlets
• Program Ad – A full-page, color ad in the GMAG event program
• Exhibition Space – 10’x10’ exhibitor space located in a heated hangar

GMAG Exhibitor ($400) – Interact with attendees in well-designed exhibition space:
• Exhibition Space – 10’x10’ exhibitor space located in a heated hangar

GMAG Advertiser – Gain exposure to attendees in a full-color event program.
• Program Ad – Choose the ad size that’s right or you:

* Note: Ads should be high resolution, pdf, no bleed, and should be emailed to [email protected]

Given the remarkable success of the previous GMAGs, we are very excited as we make plans for the 9th Annual GMAG. We have surveyed our membership and an overwhelming majority plan to attend one or both days of our event.

Register Now!

We expect over 800 Minnesota/regional pilots and aviation enthusiasts at our 2025 event!

Register Now and Pay with Check or Credit Card! 

Deadline for receipt of registration and advertising materials is Monday noon, April 15, 2025.


Registration Details

  1. All registrations and advertising materials will be due no later than noon, Monday, April 15, 2025. If registration is made, but payment is not received, the exhibit spot will be forfeited.
  2. Upon receipt of reservation and payment, the MN Pilots Association will send a letter of confirmation with full instructions for preparation and participation.
  3. A Certificate of Insurance is required for all exhibitors, with a minimum of $300,000 liability. The certificate holder must read exactly as follows: Minnesota Pilots Association P.O. Box 635 Circle Pines, MN 55014
  4. Exhibitors, please click on this link, download the GMAG Exhibitor Agreement, complete and sign the agreement and either scan in and email the completed document to [email protected] or mail to the following address: Minnesota Pilots Association P.O. Box 635 Circle Pines, MN 55014
  5. If you'd like to pay via check, please send it to: Minnesota Pilots Association P.O. Box 635 Circle Pines, MN 55014

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Thank you for supporting the Minnesota Pilots Association!

Register Now and Pay with Check or Credit Card!

Pay With Check Or Credit Card

GMAG Vendor Form

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