The weather forecast for 11:00 a.m. for KBRD is wind 300@14-24, Vis >6, Scattered 2,500, Scattered 5,000. We look forward to seeing you at the Fall Colors Brat/Dog/Chili Flyin from […]
The Minnesota Pilots Association is proud to announce that the Internal Revenue Service has deemed it to be a public charity with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United […]
Few things are more important than our health. Few things are more important to pilots than our health and our flight status from a medical point of view. It is […]
Saturday, October 4, Brat/Hot Dog Flyin/MN Pilots Assn Business Meeting at KBRD!
Please don’t forget to plan on being at the Saturday, October 4, Brat/Hot Dog Flyin/Annual Business Meeting for the MN Pilots Assn at the Brainerd Airport (KBRD)! Food will be […]
Please Register Comment on FAA Rulemaking Regarding Hangar Use
The deadline for comments on the FAA Rulemaking is September 5, 2014. Please take a moment to register your comment, as this is vitally important for those of us who […]
First, I apologize for the length of this post, but I feel the message is vitally important to pilots in Minnesota. As an aviation medical examiner, one must attend an […]
As you can see in the “News” section, the FAA has announced a new proposed policy statement “Policy on the Non-Aeronautical Use of Airport Hangars”. This has been met with […]
MN Pilot Association Members, please put Saturday, October 4 on your schedule. We will be holding our first Annual General Membership meeting at the Brainerd Airport (KBRD) in conjunction with […]
Many thanks to those who pitched in to help with the EAA Chapter 237 Young Eagles Rally at KANE! Bob Heavirland and Mark Heule shared this YouTube link which is […]
We are so pleased to have received designation from the IRS as a non-profit, 501 (c)3 entity! Our thanks goes to Jim Peterson, our treasurer, for his hard work in […]