June 10, 2013
Extremely Unpopular and (Potentially Illegal) FAA Plans Could Create Serious trouble For Huerta and Senior Staff
For the few weeks that recent FAA financial demands have been part of the aero-public discussion, its obvious that Administrator Huerta’s Administration has struck a nerve. But… according to sources within the FAA, the current efforts may be but the tip of the iceberg.

ANN has learned that there are, reportedly, extensive discussions within the FAA, as well as outright intent to seek fees for a great number of events and activities that the FAA now deems to be outside of “normal operations.” With the Lakeland Fly-In sacked for well over a quarter-million dollars and setting something of a precedent (which has alienated the Sun ‘n Fun organization, somewhat, from others in the fly-in/event community who think that Lakeland should have fought it more aggressively), the FAA has shown how serious it is in this ‘cost-recovery’ program. Senior staffers within the FAA, led in part by FAA COO J David Grizzle, seem to be looking to recoup tens of millions of dollars in fees by targeting aviation intensive events… and not just those associated closely with the aviation community — but those that result in incresed demands on “FAA resources.”
Read the complete article: http://www.aero-news.net/index.cfm?do=main.textpost&id=ec7fffbc-8739-4256-bf01-1db6aaea7981