We are pleased to announce that the Minnesota Pilots Association is now open to membership! Please take a moment to join by clicking “JOIN” on the menu bar.
By joining MNPilots you are entering an Association whose mission is to promote and protect aviation in Minnesota through advocacy, education, outreach and social activities. We do not take that mission lightly, and we look forward to you joining us in an active and supportive role in shaping MNPilots as we strive to preserve and expand upon Minnesota’s remarkably strong aviation heritage. We have much work to do.
The annual membership fee is $35, and can be paid by credit card. Since you will be a founding member, we are pleased to offer a terrific hat which proudly displays the MNPilots logo, with “Founding Member” embroidered on the back, at a discounted price of $13.
Thank you for considering joining us at MNPilots!