I just watched the AOPA Live link in which they describe the urgency of calling your Congressman NOW to urge them to vote against H.R. 2997. They also did a nice story about Roger and Darren Meggers, who are building the AOPA Sweepstakes Super Cub in Baker MT. Nicely done!
They offer a good summary, at the end, as to why it is important to stop the House version (H.R. 2997), which includes privitization. The Senate version does NOT contain this language, hence the lack of push to stop that bill. The danger lies in what happens in a conference committee, should the House and Senate versions pass…the devil would be in the compromise that would be reached.
They also point out that we should not be intimidated by the staff person who picks up the phone at your Congressman’s office. That person wants to know: 1. your address with zip code; 2. the bill you are calling about (H.R. 2997); and 3. whether you want them to vote yes or no. I found this to be true when I have called my Congressman and our (worthless) Senators Klobuchar and Franken. They don’t want a discussion about why you want them to vote yes or no, they want bottom line. Give it to them.
You can find out who to call by googling “who is my Congressman”. Call them right now.