We are proud as punch of the lineup of speakers and topics for the 2017 GMAG! Please click the top of this page to go to the schedule of events. There exists a major problem, however. Problem with such a great lineup, you ask? Yes, because you will have to choose carefully between presentations, and you will not want to miss a single session! Many thanks to the sponsors of your event, including: Metropolitan Airport Commission, Minnesota Department of Transportation-Aeronautics, Minnesota Flyer Magazine, WipAire, Cirrus Aircraft Corporation, Tanis Aviation Products, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, West Metro Aviation, Appareo, Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association, AVEMCO, Horizon (Bolduc) Aviation, FAAST, Golden Wings Flying Museum, Hartzell Propeller, North Star Flyers, Park Rapids Avionics, and Twin Cities Aviation. What great support we have from these governmental and corporate organizations! Please visit Facebook/mnpilots for more updates, as we highlight speakers for our Gathering.