Please take a look at our website and check out the schedule of events for the Great MN Aviation Gatheing! We have put together a terrific program that will have you wanting to be there for both days of the GMAG. Seriously.
Driving in to the GMAG? Check out the reduced hotel rates we have arranged with local hotels.
Flying in? You can taxi right up close to the GMAG and park in the designated parking area…but BRING YOUR OWN TIEDOWNS! Instructions are posted on the website, and updates will be posted as the event approaches.
Please also take a look at our page. We are frequently updating that page with new information and announcements that will be of interest to you.
Remember, with a paid-up membership you gain free admission to the GMAG! What a great deal!
By the way, the GMAG would not be happening without your membership and without your support. This event is yours and we hope to see you there.