Please take a moment before Friday to help the leadership of AOPA to get the PBR2 through the House. I received this message from Jim Coon, from AOPA, this evening, asking that we urgently call the office of Rep. Bill Shuster, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, with the suggested message listed below:
This is the main number for the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of which Shuster is the Chairman: 202-225-9446
“I’m calling today to urge Chairman Shuster to help pass the Pilots Bill of Rights 2 before Congress adjourns on Friday. This bill has already passed the Senate by unanimous consent. The bill has 152 bipartisan cosponsors in the House including every Republican on the T&I Committee! General Aviation needs this bill! Thank you.”
Many thanks for any help you might be willing to offer. The phone call won’t take long.