We are very excited to have finalized the Hangar Flying Session schedule, which can be found by clicking on the Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering link at the top of our home page. We are so pleased with the quality of speakers who have volunteered their time and talents to present a wide variety of topics that are relevant to aviation in Minnesota.
We hope you will plan to attend the event on both Friday and Saturday, April 10-11, 2015. Remember, active members of the MN Pilots Assn gain free admission into their very own event.
We hope you will take advantage of what is likely to be a one-time chance to experience the equivalent of an altitude chamber right at our event. The FAA’s portable reduced oxygen training enclosure (PROTE) will be available on a first come-first served basis on both days. MN Pilot Assn members can reserve a spot on the GMAG website, but will also be able to sign up on site. We also hope many of you will take advantage of the special offering of High Altitude Operations groundschool, beginning early Friday morning. You will become more knowledgeable about the effects of altitude on personal performance, even if you never intend to enter the “flight level” world.
We will be featuring Hangar Flying Session titles, a synopsis and biographical information in the next 10 days, so that you will get a flavor of what sessions you might want to attend.
Oh, yes, we will have beautiful programs available at the door, and wait till you see the special GMAG tee shirts that will be for sale!
See you at the Aviation Gathering!