We recently received a message from a member who wanted to know what he is getting in return for his membership, stating that the only thing he has received since joining is an email reminder asking him to renew his membership. Well, we feel he has received a lot…
First, the Minnesota Pilots Association has been able to act as a voice for pilots in Minnesota in a number of areas. We have been acknowledged and seated at the Minnesota Council of Airports (MCOA). Our views have been solicited by members of Congress as they form their opinions and representation of our State. We have worked hand-in-hand with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) and the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) at both the State and National levels. We have worked diligently to promote the General Aviation Protection Act, helping to win over our Congressmen to support this legislation.
Second, we have established a presence in the media. Our alliance with the Minnesota Flyer has afforded us the opportunity to host a monthly column entitled “MN Pilots Hangar Flying”, in which a discussion is made regarding topics of interest to our membership, and to aviation supporters, in general. We have established our website at www.mnpilots.org in which timely articles from a variety of sources are reported. Our website has what we feel to be the most complete and up-to-date listing of aviation events available in anywhere. Items of State and National interest are presented, permitting our members to be informed and to have an easy Segway for providing input to other organizations and governmental agencies.
Third, we maintain a presence in the social media through our Facebook/MNpilots page. We use that page to direct people from a variety of groups/special interests to our website, where more complete information can be gained.
Fourth, we sponsored the first annual Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering at the Golden Wings Museum at the Anoka County-Blaine Airport in March of 2014. We were thrilled with the turnout of over 800 people over the two day event. This event provided what we felt to be a terrific education program through our “Hangar Flying” sessions. We had over 30 exhibitors and attendees from across the state, the region and the country. The success of this event has put our organization on the map, so to speak. The feedback has been very positive, and we are looking forward to the second annual event to be held, again, at the Golden Wings Museum on Friday and Saturday, April 10-11, 2015.
Fifth, we have recently achieved 501(c)3 status as a non-profit organization. This designation will provide a greater opportunity to receive funding from a variety of sources and will, for example, permit your membership dues and contributions to be considered as a donation, for tax purposes.
Lastly, your $35 membership fee gains you free admission into the 2015 Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering, a $10 premium.
We think your membership in the Minnesota Pilots Association is a terrific and wise investment which promotes and protects aviation in Minnesota. So, when your membership renewal notice comes please take time to renew. The more people join our organization, the greater the power of our voice. We need you as members.