We are encouraged by knowing that Representatives Collin Peterson (D, 7th District), John Kline (R, 2nd District), Rick Nolan (D, 8th District) and Betty McCollum (D, 4th District) are on record as supporters of H.R. 3708, the House version of the bill which virtually eliminates the 3rd Class medical certificate, expanding light sport rules. While this is good news, there are three who have not yet supported the bill, and these are: Tim Walz (D, 1st District), Erik Paulsen (R, 3rd District), and Keith Ellison (D, 5th District). If you live in these districts, please take a moment to contact them and urge their support of H.R. 3708.
We are also looking to have Senators Al Franken (D) and Amy Klobuchar (D) to support the companion bill in the Senate, S.2103. Please take a moment to contact these Senators.
This legislation is very important, and we need all the support for H.R. 3708 and S.2103 we can get. Given the importance of aviation in Minnesota, we feel that these bills will greatly promote aviation without a negative impact upon aviation safety. Please click on the “Support the General Aviation Pilot Protection Act” button on the upper right of our Home page to get more information. This is vitally important. Thank you!