Few things are more important than our health. Few things are more important to pilots than our health and our flight status from a medical point of view. It is with this in mind that we encourage you to contact your Congressmen and your Senators to ask for their support of Senate bill S. 2103 and the House of Representative H.R. 3708, the General Aviation Pilot Protection Act. This act would essentially eliminate the Third Class Medical and permit pilots to fly with the same limitations/privileges as the Light Sport Aircraft rules. At this point, only Collin Peterson (D-MN7), John Kline (R-MN2), Richard Nolan (D-MN8) and Betty McCollum (D-MN4) have signed as co-sponsors of H.R. 3708, and neither Al Franken nor Amy Klobuchar have supported S. 2103. We feel it is extremely important for you to contact your representative, if not listed above, and your Senator to encourage them to support this vitally important legislation.
Why is this important right now? Because the elections in November are nearly upon us, and the time to register your voice is upon us. Please do it now.