We attended the Minnesota Hall of Fame banquet Saturday night, and were glad we did. We found it to be an important event at a number of levels, not the least of which was the opportunity to provide an opportunity to say thank you to those living, and those gone West, who have contributed greatly to aviation in Minnesota.
The sincerity in the words offered to the inductees, as well as the remarks from those inducted into the MN Aviation Hall of Fame, demonstrated the brotherhood and sisterhood of those who love aviation. I must say that the attendees exhibited a remarkable bond between themselves and aviation, an appreciation that warmed our hearts, warmed the evening. That feeling was present at the recent first annual Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering, in my humble opinion.
Kudos to Noel Allard and the Board of the MN Aviation Hall of Fame for this terrific event. It was very nicely done.
Congratulations to Greg Herrick, one of those inducted into the MN Aviation Hall of Fame! Greg is founding member of the MN Pilots Association and a person who has chosen to make a difference in aviation in Minnesota and throughout the United States of America.
I hope that you will give consideration to attending the event in the future. It is an important way of saying “Thanks!” to those go above and beyond in promoting and furthering aviation in Minnesota.