We are faced with a critical crossroads in aviation in the United States as two bills, House Bill HR37088 and Senate Bill S.2103, are being considered in Congress. These bills, if enacted, would be of huge benefit to those of us who fly with Third Class medical certificates in that this class of medical would be eliminated, replaced with the requirement of having a valid drivers license.
The lobbying for and against the legislation has escalated recently (see previous President’s Message), as special interest groups (Civil Aviation Medical Association and the Light Sport Manufacturers) have become quite vocal in their attempts to kill this legislation.
I will be providing information as this story unfolds, asking that your voice be heard by your Representatives and Senators. I would urge you to become informed about the issues that accompany this legislation. Please contact your Congressmen and Congresswomen to let them know your thoughts.
The Minnesota Pilots Association now has over 280 members, and we can be an important voice, impacting policy and legislation on a State and National level. Please step up and be heard!
Randy Corfman, President, Minnesota Pilots Association